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Bicycle High Rise & the Moving Mirror...So Fab!

On my way home from work today I saw a couple WEIRD things. Ok....I'm driving down Burbank Blvd just la-dee-da. Singing some randomness on the radio and rockin out like I always do...chillin at a red light...and then...BOOM! Bicycle High Rise comes cruising into vision!  WTH?!?! OMG!  I'm so excited!!!  Yes!  Someone crazier than me!!!   But then...why the HELL is this guy riding a bike that's like the giraffe of bikes. And then the next thought, (you're already there, huh?!?) how in the HELLLLL did this dude mount this monster???? Did he have a running start? Does he have a little mini set of steps? And does he get OFFFFFF?????? Does he like to be up there to monitor traffic better? Oh Lordy Lord! So many questions and a green light. Bye bye odd bicycle man! Maybe you should think about a helmet homie!!! Well, off I go thinking of all the things I need to do today. I get through traffic and on the freeway like the "normal" driver tha
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Flipper Offer Ticker Offer

I will share a secret of mine with you that I came across today. I have lovingly named my new secret technique..."the flipper offer ticker offer". Let me tell you why. When merging on the freeway this morning a girl 2 lanes over started merging into the same lane as I was headed. Well, evidently I was the A-hole for wanting to merge into her "claimed lane" so she sped passed me and flipped me  off.  At first my blood boiled and then I thought...she's the idiot..why am I pissed? So, as fate would have it, I came up next to her about 20 seconds later and she glared my way. As she turned to probably flip me the bird again and glare I began to laugh (mouth wide open) and pointed at her.  I haven't seen a female turn this shade of reddish purple in quite a long time! It was fabulous!!! I believe I saw steam emanating from her pulsating brow!! Now I'm going to drive around trying to cause people to flip me off so I can try different versions of the f


Hi! I'm so excited to have you here with me!! Just in case you didn't know...we are about to laugh and giggle at the randomness I see while driving all around God's green earth. Bring the craziness!!!